SciCafe: The Dirt on Soil

6 Mar (19:00)
- 17 Mar (3:00)
Scicafe: The Dirt On Soil
SciCafe: The Dirt on Soil

⌚️2024-03-06 19:00:00 –
🏢American Museum of Natural History

SciCafe is 21+ and free with RSVP. For tickets:
Humans depend on soil for 95 percent of global food production, yet it’s eroding at unsustainable rates. In the United States, China, and India, vast tracts of farmland will be barren of topsoil within this century.
Join Jo Handelsman, Director of the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery and former Associate Director for Science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy under the Obama administration, as she grounds us in a discussion on the diversity in microbial communities and the effect these microbiomes have on human health and soil environments. Handelsman will unearth mitigations that individuals, companies, and governments can take to create a more sustainable future.


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