In:Formation Festival – Program A

27 Jan (15:00)
- 27 Jan (16:00)
In:formation Festival – Program A
In:Formation Festival – Program A

⌚️2024-01-27 15:00:00 – 2024-01-27 16:00:00
🏢Clark Studio Theatre

By booking free tickets, you'll gain access to the full program of new works.

Works in process about progress.

In:Formation is a festival of new works that engage with Lincoln Center education's core pillars: decolonizing the canon, degendering arts practice, and access and inclusion. These artistic works are capstone projects of the William R. Kenan, Jr. Fellowship cohort at Lincoln Center and represent the beginning steps for what may be longer journeys of artistic inquiry. The fellowship is designed to bridge the gap between conservatory training and a professional arts community in NYC. While at Lincoln Center, the Fellows have opportunities to develop and strengthen skills as arts educators while building relationships across our organization and the wider arts landscape.
Lincoln Center seeks to create a more inclusive experience for audiences by providing a range of accommodations for all performances, no request necessary.


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