Friends Trivia Night

11 Jul (18:30)
- 11 Jul (20:30)
Friends Trivia Night
Friends Trivia Night

⌚️2024-07-11 18:30:00 – 2024-07-11 20:30:00
🏢New York, New York

Get Your Tickets Here –

How YOU doing?? Could you BE more excited? OH…MY…GOD! (Janice style) we're doing Friends Trivia!

How it works:

We will have 4-6 teams and approximately 5 rounds. Work with your teammates to get the most questions right. You are eligible to win some great prizes at the end of the event.

Coming Alone? No problem! Part of the fun is meeting new people. We will put you on a team with other Friends Fans!

Prepay Only Event. Tickets NOT sold at the door.

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