Frontiers Lecture: Parker Solar Probe’s Closest Approach

8 Oct (19:00)
- 9 Oct (19:00)
Frontiers Lecture: Parker Solar Probe’s Closest Approach
Frontiers Lecture: Parker Solar Probe’s Closest Approach

⌚️2024-10-08 19:00:00 –
🏢American Museum of Natural History

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Over the past six years, the Parker Solar Probe has journeyed billions of miles through space to reach just within 4 million miles of the Sun. In December of 2024, it will make its closest approach to the Sun.

In this Frontiers Lecture, Manolis Georgoulis, senior professional staff at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, and John Wirzburger, Parker Mission systems engineer, will guide us through the probe’s incredible voyage and present the findings from its historic contact with the Sun’s surface. This program will follow the trajectory of the probe from launch to its closest approach to the Sun and celebrate the upcoming milestone of its final Venus flyby, where we will get an inside look into the innovative path it has taken.


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